Rough rider
Rough rider

It should be worn before any vaginal contact (the pre-ejaculatory fluid may contain sperms).Apply the Condom only on an erect penis.Condom should only be unrolled at the time of the sexual act and not before.Open the packet only by tearing from the serrated edge to prevent damage to the condom (Don’t use any sharp instrument or teeth to open the pack).Check the expiry date, then see if vaccum is intact.Discard by throwing into the dustbin, or burn (Do not flush it in the toilet). Remove condom from penis, and tie a knot in it to prevent spillage or leakage.Hold on to the brim of the condom while withdrawing to prevent it from slipping off and the semen spilling in to the vagina. After ejaculation, withdraw the penis in the erect position from the vagina.Unroll the condom on the erect penis, upto the base of the penis.The rim of the condom should be facing out. Squeeze the teat shaped edge to prevent air bubbles entering.Remove the condom from the package carefully, to avoid tearing.It acts as a barrier and prevents the sperms entering the female vagina.It is a latex or rubber sheath which fits on the erect penis.Male condom is an effective contraceptive method.Trapping of air bubbles inside the teat.(condom)Ĭondoms are a perfect method of contraception for couples who want to space their pregnancies and for those who want a short term reversible contraceptive method & for persons who have risky sexual behaviours.Prolonged or vigorous sexual intercourse.

rough rider

Factors leading to condoms breaking or slipping

Rough rider